Opengl 2.0 renderer not supported что делать.

You have played Angry Birds in your mobile, now you want to play the game in PC. So you have downloaded the PC version of the game and installed it. Even though installation is successful you may get some OpenGL or DirectX errors. So here is a working fix for all the errors.

You may get one or more of the following errors while running Angry Birds in your computer.

OpenGL 2.0 renderer not supported!

It is the Intel Automatic Driver Update Utility. It checks for the drivers in your computer and updates them if needed.

Step 2: Installing the latest DirectX (Recommended)

Alternately, you can download the latest DirectX from here: DirectX 11
The above link gives you the direct executable file rather than a web installer.

Step 3: Installing the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver (Must)

This is the final and most important step in tackling the Open GL error. Just download the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for your operating system either windows 7 or windows xp from the following link and install it.

Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows 7:

Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows XP:

If the above two links didn"t work for you, go to the below link and select the Driver according to your System Configurations:

Now Restart your computer.

Try running the game and you should be able to play now!

All the above steps are explained in the following YouTube video:

If you have any problems just leave a comment stating your problem.

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If you have found other solutions, do share it in the comment section below.

You have played Angry Birds in your mobile, now you want to play the game in PC. So you have downloaded the PC version of the game and installed it. Even though installation is successful you may get some OpenGL or DirectX errors. So here is a working fix for all the errors.

You may get one or more of the following errors while running Angry Birds in your computer.

OpenGL 2.0 renderer not supported!

It is the Intel Automatic Driver Update Utility. It checks for the drivers in your computer and updates them if needed.

Step 2: Installing the latest DirectX (Recommended)

Alternately, you can download the latest DirectX from here: DirectX 11
The above link gives you the direct executable file rather than a web installer.

Step 3: Installing the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver (Must)

This is the final and most important step in tackling the Open GL error. Just download the Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for your operating system either windows 7 or windows xp from the following link and install it.

Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows 7:

Intel Graphics Media Accelerator Driver for Windows XP:

If the above two links didn"t work for you, go to the below link and select the Driver according to your System Configurations:

Now Restart your computer.

Try running the game and you should be able to play now!

All the above steps are explained in the following YouTube video:

If you have any problems just leave a comment stating your problem.

If this worked for you, give this page a +1 and Recommend it to google.

If you have found other solutions, do share it in the comment section below.

In this article we will tell you how to fix error, Opengl 2.0 Renderer not supported in Windows 8. Here’s the complete procedure:

Angry Birds is an immensely popular game but those on windows 8 Pro may not have the privilege to play with it. As soon as they try to play the game the following messages pops up- “openGL 2.0 is not supported/ Reason OpenGL 2..0 is not supported ” even though they have successfully installed the game. There isn’t seems a way to escape this error because even if one tries to uninstall it and then again reinstall it, the same message appears. The Angry Birds game designed by Rovio sometimes does create a lot of the problems with many Facebook fans who love to play Angry Birds!

But on scrutiny you will notice that it is not the problem with the game but rather with the computer. People ignore the fact that the right Graphic Driver has to be used at the time of installation and when they face the problem they simply blame the Operating System they are using like Windows XP, Windows 7, as well as Windows 8. Although, by even using improper drivers, the installation will appear to be complete but it is not so as the program is improperly installed. The real fact is this that the problem arises when there are improper and outdated drivers that need to be updated. When these two problems are tackled the error message, does not show.

How to solve the problem? Well the first method will deal with downloading the correct graphic driver and then running it, and the second method will deal with running the file with the compatibility mode on.

First Method-

In this method, we will update the computer with the latest graphics driver. For that, you will have to download the latest available version of the driver from your manufacturer’s site. Here are the steps that you need to follow-

1.Go to the left hand bottom corner of your computer at the Start option right click on it.

2. By clicking right on the mouse you will have to choose Device manager . There you will have to expand the Display Adapters option.

3. Click right on the name of graphics card that you want and choose Update Driver Software .

4.Click right on the mouse in any empty area and choose Properties in the Context menu. Now go to settings , then advanced button, then troubleshoot icon. Now you have to alter Hardware acceleration option to other settings from None .

5. Now check if you can successfully install and play the game

Second Method-

Now that the first method did not work we will try the second method. In this method, we will first uninstall the game. Then downloading a fresh file installs it with the compatibility mode. Here are the steps to follow-

1. Download the game file and keep it saved in your local disc.

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